God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.

1 Corinthians 12:24-25

OurLife is a special needs ministry that desires to meet families where they are. Our focus is not on programming, but on an individual approach to help make your time of worship meaningful and as inclusive as possible, while helping families and individuals grow closer to God. 

Life Community Buddy

Sunday Morning - 9:15 am & 11:00 am

If you reach out in advance of Sunday, we can talk about what the service might look like.

If needed, we can arrange to have a buddy assist in helping you or your loved one participate in church or KidsLife.

Please contact our OurLife Ministry Leadership team at the bottom of this page.

Wheels for the World

A ministry of Joni and Friends

OurLife collects used wheelchairs, crutches and spare parts.

Joni and Friends then refurbishes them and sends them to children and adults in countries such as Cuba, China, Thailand, Ghana and Uganda.

Interested in donating?

Contact our OurLife Ministry Leader at the bottom of this page.

Community Engagement

Sharing the hope of Jesus

As a ministry, we continue to spread awareness and sensitivity of those who have different abilities and special needs.

We encourage community volunteers to engage through the following opportunities:

Night to Shine
DSANI Buddy Walk
Sing along with Santa
...and more!

Contact our OurLife Ministry Leadership Team

We'd love to hear from you.